Towards scene generation in Minecraft
Led by IsaacRobust shark tracking
Led by TanayaTowards understanding driving scenarios in Mario
Led by AdrianAccelerating path planning
Accelerating RL-based path planning in 3D
Exploring the creation of photorealistic simulation environments within Godot
Safety analysis of driving scenarios within CARLA
Time series classification with Shape Expressions
Automated scenario generation
Exploring robots for PC interaction
Exploring hardware
Game understanding
Visualizing point clouds in a simulator
Point cloud source: link
Led by Daniel/Xin with joint efforts from collaborators.Putting real-world objects into a simulator
Exploring hardware and rearranging the position of mouse clicks.
Online multiplayer scenario setup
Please email Xin if you are interested in joining forces for this project.
Please send the following information to xin.qin (at)
Let's do something great/fun!