Xin Qin

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science
California State University, Long Beach
[GitHub] [Resume/CV]

Email: xin.qin (at)

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). My research interests are in ensuring the safety of cyber-physical systems through formal methods, predictive monitoring, verification, and machine learning.

Previously, I completed my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Southern California, advised by Prof. Jyotirmoy Deshmukh. I received my Computer Science BS degree from ShanghaiTech Univeristy, where I was advised by Prof. Yi MA and Prof. Hao Chen. I spent my last year of undergraduate in UC Berkeley as a visiting student, working in BAIR Lab with Prof. Angjoo Kanazawa and Richard Zhang. During my visit, I also received invaluable support from Prof. Alexei Efros and Prof. Jitendra Malik.


Multi-agent Path Finding for Timed Tasks using Evolutionary Games
Sheryl Paul, Anand Balakrishnan, Xin Qin, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh
In International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS), 2024.
[To appear]
Large Image
Statistical Verification using Surrogate Models and Conformal Inference and a Comparison with Risk-aware Verification
Xin Qin, Yuan Xia, Aditya Zutshi, Chuchu Fan, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh
In Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), 2023.
Conformance Testing for Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems.
Xin Qin, Navid Hashemi, Lars Lindemann, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh
In Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), 2023
Robust Testing for Cyber-Physical Systems using Reinforcement Learning
Xin Qin, Nikos Arechiga, Andrew Best, Jyotirmoy Deshmukh
In ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE), 2023.
Data-Driven Reachability Analysis of Stochastic Dynamical Systems with Conformal Inference
Navid Hashemi, Xin Qin, Lars Lindemann, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh
In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2023
Conformal Prediction for STL Runtime Verification.
Lars Lindemann*, Xin Qin*, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh, George J. Pappas
In ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 2023
Risk-Awareness in Learning Neural Controllers for Temporal Logic Objectives
Navid Hashemi, Xin Qin, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh, Georgios Fainekos, Bardh Hoxha, Danil Prokhorov, Tomoya Yamaguchi
In American Control Conference (ACC), 2023.
Statistical Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems using Surrogate Models and Conformal Inference
Xin Qin, Yuan Xia, Aditya Zutshi, Chuchu Fan, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh
In International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 2022.
Mining Shape Expressions with ShapeIt
Ezio Bartocci, Jyotirmoy Deshmukh, Cristinel Mateis, Eleonora Nesterini, Dejan Nickovic and Xin Qin
In International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM), 2021
[Paper] [The code of our tool]
Clairvoyant Monitoring for Signal Temporal Logic Patterns
Xin Qin, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh.
In International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS), 2020
Mining Shape Expressions from Positive Examples
Ezio Bartocci, Jyotirmoy Deshmukh, Felix Gigler, Cristinel Mateis, Dejan Nickovic and Xin Qin.
In International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), 2020
Specifying and Detecting Temporal Patterns with Shape Expressions
Dejan Nickovic, Xin Qin, Thomas Ferrère, Cristinel Mateis, Jyotirmoy Deshmukh.
In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)
Shape Expressions for Specifying and Extracting Signal Features
Dejan Nickovic, Xin Qin, Thomas Ferrère, Cristinel Mateis, Jyotirmoy Deshmukh
In International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV), 2019. Best Paper Award
[Paper] [Bibtex]
Specifying and Evaluating Quality Metrics for Vision-Based Perception Systems
Anand Balakrishnan, Aniruddh G. Puranic, Xin Qin, Adel Dokhanchi, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh, Heni Ben Amor, Georgios Fainekos.
In IEEE Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2019.
[Paper] [Bibtex]
Predictive monitoring for signal temporal logic with probabilistic guarantees: poster abstract.
Xin Qin, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh
In International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2019.
Joint Probability Distribution of Prediction Errors of ARIMA
Xin Qin, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh
In arXiv, 2019.


Human Subject Research in Software Systems, University of Southern California
Teaching Assistant (TA) with Prof. Souti Chattopadhyay. Spring 2023.

Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems, University of Southern California
Teaching Assistant (TA) with Prof. Jyotirmoy Deshmukh. Fall 2022.

Computer Architecture, ShanghaiTech University
Teaching Assistant (TA) with Prof. Soren Schwertfeger. Spring 2017.


CDC, T-ASE 2024

L4DC, HSCC poster, CDC 2023

IV subreviewer 2020, subreviewer 2021

Program Committee
HSCC 2021 Repeatability Evaluation

VMCAI 2024 Artifact Evaluation, ICCPS 2024 Artifact Evaluation


  • An interview with the Long Beach Current. Aug 2024.
  • Passed my PhD defense. May 2024.
  • Selected as one of the CPS Rising Stars. May 2023.
  • Received an NSF student travel award. CPS-IoT Week 2023.
  • A highlight of our TQTL for vision-based perception systems in USC Viterbi News. March 2019.